Cubs Uniform Numbers

The Cubs started wearing numbers on their uniforms on June 30, 1932. They were the last team to add uniform numbers to their jerseys. I have listed below the rosters of the Cubs starting in 1932 and what uniform numbers the players wore. You can look at either a specific year, or you can look at my All-Time list to see who wore specific numbers.

Please note: The numbers listed are the numbers the players wore in the regular season. Spring training numbers are not included. If you have any corrections or additions to the lists, please email me with them as I am trying to make these lists as accurate as possible. Thank You.

Years with a * by them have notes on player movements

Click Here to see the All-Time list of Cubs Uniform Numbers
(sorted by uniform number)

2025* 2024* 2023* 2022* 2021*
2020* 2019* 2018* 2017* 2016*
2015* 2014* 2013* 2012* 2011*
2010* 2009* 2008* 2007* 2006*
2005* 2004* 2003* 2002* 2001*
2000* 1999* 1998* 1997* 1996*
1995* 1994* 1993* 1992* 1991*
1990* 1989* 1988* 1987* 1986*
1985* 1984* 1983* 1982* 1981*
1980* 1979* 1978* 1977* 1976
1975 1974 1973 1972 1971
1970 1969 1968 1967 1966
1965 1964 1963 1962 1961
1960 1959 1958 1957 1956
1955 1954 1953 1952 1951
1950 1949 1948 1947 1946
1945 1944 1943 1942 1941
1940 1939 1938 1937 1936
1935 1934 1933 1932

Player movement notes from 1977 thru 1996 were gathered from the Cubs Media Guides
Player movement notes 1997 and after were tracked by myself

Many Thanks to the Chicago Cubs organization for their help in supplying me with their lists of uniform numbers from which I have used for the years before 1974

I also want to thank Mr. Jack Looney, who has helped me fill in missing numbers and has corrected some numbers on the Cubs lists.

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Since Feb. 10, 2002

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